Rest A Shore Massage
Therapeutic Bodywork ~ 609.489.2011
Pain Treatments

  "Massage had a positive effect on every medical condition we looked at."
 -Tiffany Field PHD 


Sciatica     The sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves that originates in the lower back and sacral area that travels down the lower leg and foot.  The sciatic nerve passes through the gluet muscle sspecifically, the piriformis muscle.  Constant pressure on the piriformis, usually caused by sitting for long periods of time or postural issues, compresses down on the sciatic nerve causing numness, tingling, and in severe cases excruciating pain.  During your massage the therapist will be paying special attention to the hamstring, quads, and gluet muscles, most importantly the piriformis muscle.  Active isolated stretches, Myofascial Release (applying gentle sustained pressure to the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles,) and gentle deliberate strokes, as found in a deep tissue massage, will be used to take the pressure of the nerve and reduce any pain or numness the client may be experiencing. 




Carpel Tunnel Syndrome  Carpel Tunnel is a condition of compressive entrapment of the median nerve found at the wrist joint, it is usally characterized by pain, tingling and numbness in the hand and fingers, also causing loss of hand strength and mobility. It is believed that repetitive hand motions may be the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  During your massage your therapist will be using multiple techniques to help release the pressure that is impinging on the median nerve.  Nueromuscular gliding, Myofascial Release (applying gentle sustained pressure to the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles) and Deep Tissue will help realign the deeper layers of the muscles and connective tissue reducing pain and bringing back function to the effected area.




     Whip-lash is a termed used to describe injury to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles of the neck and spine as a result of sudden or forceful movments of the head or body.  These injuries are most commonly caused by car accidents causing symptons such as: pain and limited movements of the neck and back, back pain, headaches, shoulder stiffness, and mucle spasms.  Deep tissue, Myofascial release, and gentle stretching of the neck and shoulders will be used to eliminate spasms and stiffness ultimateley restoring strength and increasing range of motion.



  • All specialty treatments are booked for 90 minute sessions. 
  • Treatments may require multiple sessions to reach the clients desired results.


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